
Blog Category: Life

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Thanksgiving Thoughts

When I was growing up in one of my favourite times of year was when we had the Harvest Festival at church. We didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving there in the same way it’s done in Canada and the U.S. In Belfast there was no designated holiday, but all the churches celebrated Harvest Festival! Oh, how I

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3 Things The Bible Says About Golf

I like to play golf and have browsed through many magazines and books about the topic of golf. For me, golf is exercise, the opportunity to enjoy fresh air, relaxation and fellowship with others. Yes, that list goes on. I find that the best golfing partners are those who are fun to be around―people who

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A Lone Wolf

My son and his wife love animals. They foster cats until a ‘furever’ home is found and shortly after marrying, they adopted a dog. They found Wolf through (Together Every Animal Matters*). Wolf is a pure white husky – that’s the best guess as there could be something else mixed in. He has one blue

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God Timing

I am very lucky that my mom, who lives two hours away, is able to come to my house on buses and trains for a visit. I am so thankful that at 83 she is still in great physical and mental health. My siblings and I and all the grandchildren and great grandchildren love the

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7 Lessons from a Fisherman

I grew up in Chance Cove, a small fishing village of 300 on the East Coast of Newfoundland. I wasn’t much good in the woods or in the boat. In fact, my dad’s advice to me was, “Be a preacher or you’ll starve to death.” The first four disciples Jesus called were fishermen. That says

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The Shaggy Flower

One of the flowering plants at our house was spreading fast along the front garden, so we decided to uproot some of the stalks for transplanting.  We started digging at the end of the row and one flower lifted out, then another came with it, and one by one, more followed.  Each stalk was joined

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Road Trip!

Summer is here! School is out, the kids are free, and the countdown for the long awaited “family vacation” is finally winding down. Some of you will be jetting off to sunny beaches or hopping on trains to visit family. You may even be sailing off into the sunset on a luxury cruise ship. You

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What’s growing on?

I love corn on the cob! With summer just around the corner I can’t wait for my first taste of this sweet treat. As I attempt to eat healthier I want to be more aware of the benefits certain foods can provide. So I started surfing the web for information on sweet corn. While I

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Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? Eight-year-old Toby, without hesitation, answered “Sushi”. The grown-ups around the supper table laughed— although a few non-sushi-lovers groaned. Have you thought about your favourite things lately? We all have them but, perhaps as we leave childhood behind, we

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The Storm

Today has been a day of rain off and on, with severe storm warnings and even the possibility of a tornado. As an adult I don’t really mind storms, but will stay tuned to news occasionally to make sure I am prepared.  As a mom to four kids with anxiety—just wow.  It is now that

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Empress Sailing

Sunk in 14 minutes!

On the morning of May 29, 1914, the nation was shocked to learn that the Empress of Ireland had been rammed and, just 14 minutes later, sank into the St. Lawrence River. Of the 1,477 people on board, 1,012 died. Although the tragedy impacted the whole country, The Salvation Army bore the brunt of its blow,

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Free Family Movies

The Salvation Army Oshawa Church, Summer Thursdays 8:30 PM.