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canada eh

Canada, Eh!

It’s that time of the year again, the time we take to celebrate the birth of our nation. We turn our thoughts to all things Canadian; the noble Mounties on horseback dressed in their red serge splendour, the mighty moose, the fluffy beaver, the majestic Canadian goose, and of course, everyone’s favourite (and one of

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Lets Talk- Together as Family

When Mental Illness Strikes a Family I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression almost 17 years ago. In that time, I’ve had to learn how to cope and adjust to the challenges that living with a mental illness brings. In the course of those 17 years, both my children were also diagnosed with depression and

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Take Time To Remember

Take Time to Remember

I am always interested this time of year to see the varying viewpoints on such things as whether or not to wear the poppy, how to “properly” wear the poppy, and are we condoning war if we take the time to publically gather and observe those two minutes of silence in remembrance of those who

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Why Work at Summer Camp?

Chris Noel, spent eight summers working at a Salvation Army camp. “I went to a Salvation Army music camp near Belleville, Ont., from ages 10-14,” says Chris. “I would always watch the maintenance crew on the ATV. My dream wasn’t to work as maintenance, but to drive the ATV because it looked so cool.” At

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East Of London Revival Effort

East Of London Revival Effort By William Booth August 17, 1865 The moral degradation and spiritual destitution of the teeming population of the East of London are subjects with which the Christians of the metropolis are painfully conversant. While many true-hearted and zealous laborers are toiling in the spirit of the Master to stem the

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Easter Means Hope

More than 2,000 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, people are still attracted to Easter. Those who seldom go to church throughout the year will fill the pews on Easter Sunday. Others who won’t even go to church at Easter time will take advantage of the long weekend and stock up on Easter

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I Get it!

“ I get it.” Three little words. They don’t seem like much on their own but, when you put them together, they have the potential to change someone’s life. I heard those words and felt their impact after deciding to talk about my struggle with mental illness. The first time I shared my story, I

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A Little Girl’s Christmas Stocking

Which list of Santa’s should I have been on? Should I have received candy and toys in my stocking? Or a lump of coal, as the old story goes. Every Christmas as a little girl I did something very mischievous with the help of my sister. Christmas was wonderful in my home. Our mother knew

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The Art of Giving

One Christmas, myself and the four children headed into the big city for some us time. We went to a huge mall and had a private visit with Santa. That was fun for the younger two and it was great to see the older two play along. The kids got a small treat from mom, we

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Free Family Movies

The Salvation Army Oshawa Church, Summer Thursdays 8:30 PM.