Study Resources

Small Groups

Small Group – Resource List Found In Prayer Room

·       Alphabetical List of Studies




























·       Resources by Category 


Five sessions:

  • Rejoice in the Lord Always
  • Let Your Gentleness Be Evident to All
  • Present Your Requests to God
  • The Peace of God Will Guard Your Heart
  • Meditate on These Things

ü  Study Guide – 4 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy

All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you. A cunning, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you―your emotions, mind, family, and future. But his reign stops right here, right now with you.

The enemy always miserably fails when he meets a woman dressed for the occasion—a woman who is armed and dangerous.

This is more than just a biblical description of the believer’s inventory. It is an action plan for putting on your armor and developing a personalized strategy to secure victory against the enemy.

ü  Book, The Armor of God – 1 copy

ü  DVD Set – 1 copy

  • Sizing Up the Enemy
  • The Belt of Truth
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness
  • The Shoes of Peace
  • The Shield of Faith
  • The Helmet of Salvation
  • The Sword of the Spirit
  • Bonus Features


The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of God’s will – offense. This trap restrains countless Christians, severs relationships, and widens the gulfs between us. Jesus said, “It is impossible that no offenses should come.” (Luke 17:1). Although you will encounter offense, you can choose how you will react.

ü  Book, The Bait of Satan – 1 copy

ü  Interactive Guide – 1 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy

In this four-session video-based study, Lucado reveals his struggles with prayer and how he discovered it is not a privilege for the pious or the art of a chosen few but a simple tool given to everyone to have a conversation with God. He shows how to let go of uncertainties about prayer, trust that God hears you, and embrace a prayer life that brings peace and rest.

Session titles:

  • Father, You Are Good
  • I Need Help
  • They Need Help
  • Thank You

ü  Study Guide – 2

For those just beginning their walk with Christ – and those who are unsure how to proceed – Beta provides simple, practical guidance that will enable them to weave faith into every aspect of their lives. This material is designed to be flexible enough to use in various church situations – combine it with a class for new Christians, or allow it to play the dual role of leading people to Christ and helping them become powerful disciples for God!

ü  Leader’s Guide – 1 copy

  • Focus verses and focus truths for every lesson
  • Clear lesson objectives
  • Synopsis of each section to help you communicate the main point of each lesson
  • Sections about finding a new identity in Christ, living by faith, renewing the mind, taking the right path in life, and so much more!
  1. The Good News – 1 John 5:12
  2. A New Identity in Christ – 2 Cor. 5:16-17
  3. Living by Faith – Hebrews 11:16
  4. Reshaping Our Worldview – Col. 2:6-8
  5. Living by the Spirit – Gal. 5:16-18
  6. Renewing the Mind – 2 Cor. 10:3-5
  7. The Battle for the Mind – 2 Cor. 10:3-5
  8. Emotional Freedom – Eph. 4:25-27; 1 Peter 5:7-8
  9. Forgiving from the Heart – Eph. 4:31-32
  10. Steps to Freedom in Christ – 2 Tim. 2:24-26
  11. Godly Relationships – Matthew 22:37-40
  12. Goals and Desires – 1 Tim. 1:5
  13. Living on the Right Path – Phil. 4:11-13

ü  Student Guide – 1 copy

ü  Student Guide: Freedom in Christ – Small-group Bible Study

  • Billy Graham Christian Worker’s Handbook, The – A topical guide with biblical answers to our day’s urgent concerns. Its 83 chapters cover a wide range of human problems and include:
    • A background discussion of the particular problem or concern
    • A helping strategy to guide you in witness and ministry
    • The complete text of select Bible passages relating to each subject

ü  Book, The Billy Graham Christian Worker’s Handbook – 1 copy



  • Cause to Die For: become a modern-day warrior for Jesus, A from The Salvation Army

Salvationists’ ministry tool demonstrates and explains what it is to be a modern-day warrior in The Salvation Army. In this series, we’ll get back to our roots and discover what made the early Army so exciting and dynamic.

In this session, we’ll cover:

  • The purpose of a Salvation Army soldier
  • The role of a Salvation Army soldier
  • William Booth’s seven points of soldiership
  • DVD – 1 copy


A highly cinematic film that will help make Christmas much more than a holiday. As the story of the birth of Jesus unfolds, you’ll be reminded that the Christmas holiday is more than just a commercialized, secularized event…but an opportunity to remember that what happened then changes everything now.

Examines the Christmas story in detail, emphasizing how God chose each individual in the Christmas story for a specific purpose. You’ll watch as Joseph leads his family with selfless faithfulness, as Mary follows God’s plan for her life obediently and as shepherds struggle with doubt as they wonder…could this be their Saviour?

Six 30-minute episodes on 2 DVDs.

ü  Leader’s Guide – 1 copy

ü  Participant’s Guide – 2 copies

In this comprehensive guide, Morris offers proven strategies for organizing and maintaining a support group within your church, with clear guidelines for:

  • Developing a philosophy (why the church needs a recovery ministry)
  • Defining the purpose (what it means to be a Christ-centred support group)
  • Determining a strategy (how to organize and start a support group)
  • Deciding on a structure (maintaining a recovery ministry)

ü  Book, The Complete Handbook for Recovery Ministry in the Church – 1 copy

  • Confident Parenting by Jim Burns – Be the parent your family needs
    • Being a confident parent and being the transitional generation
    • The lesson of Shema: a road map for parenting
    • The lesson of the Sabbath: Finding replenishment for overcrowded lives
    • The lesson of A.W.E.: Communicating with affection, warmth, and encouragement
    • The lesson of discipline and grace: Creating a grace-filled home
    • The lesson of the blessing and the legacy

ü  DVD Set – 1 copy

ü  Book, Confident Parenting – 4 copies



Six-sessions on five essentials that will launch your journey to health: faith, food, fitness, focus, and friends.

ü  DVD Set – 2

ü  DVD In Action – 1

ü  Book, The Daniel Plan – 3 copies

ü  Study Guides – 7 copies

ü  Cookbook – 1

  • Deepening Life Together
    • Paul – The apostle Paul did more than any other person in the ancient world to assure that Christianity became a cross-cultural movement rather than an obscure Jewish sect. His writings make up much of the New Testament. How did Jesus take a young hothead who persecuted Christians and turn him into the first evangelist to the Gentiles? What can we learn from the way Paul responded to God’s call?

ü  DVD – 1

ü  Book – 1

  • Ephesians – Can we trust God with everything in our lives? What does Christ’s sacrifice mean for our relationships? Will we ever be holy? Each 10-15-minute session guides you deeper into the Scriptures, with provocative insights from renowned scholars.

ü  DVD – 1

ü  Book – 2

  • Acts – Through the bold witness of the first Christians, the gospel spread throughout the world. God used ordinary men and women to do the extraordinary. What is God calling you to do for Him? How does the community of believers today effectively act as God’s hands and feet in a hurting world?

ü  DVD – 1

ü  Book – 1

  • Praying God’s Way – If God knows our thoughts, why should we pray? What is the proper way to pray? Will God answer all of our prayers? What if it doesn’t seem like He’s listening?

ü  DVD – 1

ü  Book – 1

  • Promises of God – The most important promise God ever made was that He would restore the broken relationship between Himself and those who bear His image. What happened in the garden, and what were the long-term effects on God’s creation? How does God’s sweeping plan of redemption affect our lives? How are we called to respond to God’s promise in our communities?

ü  DVD – 1

ü  Book – 1

  • John – John’s account of Jesus’ life and ministry differs in substance and style from the other Gospels. His unique perspective challenges us to re-examine our beliefs about the Lord. Why did Jesus perform miracles, and what did they mean? How might our traditions hinder a true understanding of who Jesus really is? How can we follow Christ’s example of selfless love in our families, churches, and communities?

ü  DVD – 1

ü  Book – 1

  • Romans – Paul boldly told believers, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” But how does that work on the day-to-day level? What does the Christian life look like when it is lived out both individually and in communities of faith? How can we be in the world but not of the world?

ü  DVD – 1

ü  Book – 1

  • Revelation – If you could use only one word to describe the book of Revelation, what would you choose? Scary? Weird? What about hopeful? It may seem odd, but John’s revelation was supposed to bring hope to Christians living in the dark times of Roman persecution. So, what are John’s strange visions all about – and what on earth do they have to do with modern-day believers? What should we expect when Jesus returns? And what does God promise to those who persevere?

ü  DVD – 1

ü  Book – 1


This unique, DVD-driven study brings the passion and resurrection of Jesus to life through dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching in a highly cinematic style.

ü  Participant’s Guide – 1 copy

The heart of Christianity is not a ritual or a structure but a Person – Jesus Christ. But even as His followers, our vision of Jesus can get muddied by human-made theories of who He was. Whether you’re a seasoned believer or a brand-new Christian, walk in the footsteps of His first disciples to see Him afresh as: Teacher, Healer, Shepherd, Servant, Saviour, and Risen Lord. These six sessions lay the foundation for radical discipleship as our hearts are once again captured by who He is.

ü  Participant’s Guide – 1 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy




Family…the source of your highest joys and most profound disappointments. Swindoll delivers five powerful messages that will challenge you to invest heavily in your family’s stock.

ü  DVD set – 1 copy

  • Freedom in Christ (see Beta: The Next Step in Your Journey with Christ!) by Neil T. Anderson – A life-changing discipleship program




Maybe you’re feeling stuck, fighting the same battles, and facing the same temptations, wondering if this is as good as it gets. If so, there’s good news. You were made for more. With God’s help, you can close the gap between the person you are and the person you want to be.

Session Titles:

  • These Days are Glory Days
  • Inherit Your Inheritance
  • Walk Circles Around Jericho
  • Pray Audacious Prayers
  • No Falling Words
  • God Fights for You

ü  Study Guide – 3 copies

ü  DVD Set – 1 copy



In our world of moral relativism, secular humanism, and religious pluralism, where expressions of the Christian faith are becoming increasingly unacceptable and even illegal, the average Christian wanting to share his or her faith needs to be adequately equipped for the task.

H2O is a resource that will enable believers to share their faith with confidence and unprecedented effectiveness. H2O takes the viewer on a powerful, engaging journey that is a carefully crafted progression designed to bring non-believers to a willingness to accept Christ.


  • Thirsty
  • Polluted
  • Source
  • Pure
  • Mirage
  • Drowning
  • Drink
  • Clean
  • Vapor
  • River

ü  Leader – 2 copies

ü  Participant’s Guide – 5 copies

ü  DVD Set – 1 copy

ü  DVD Set – 2 copies

  • Questions About God
  • Questions About Creation
  • Questions About the Bible
  • Questions About Jesus (2 parts)
  • Questions About Suffering
  • Questions About Prayer
  • Questions About Satan
  • Questions About Afterlife
  • Questions About Questions

Picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it – a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ’s presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it.

ü  Discussion Guide – 1 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy

This radical, eye-opening series challenges churches to involve their members in 42 days of action-oriented awareness and one soul-searching question on poverty and injustice from World Vision U.S. President Richard Stearns, “What does God expect of us?”

This is a story of how a CEO faced his struggle to obey God, whatever the cost, and his passionate call for Christians to change the world by actively living out their faith, believing that the “good news” is more than a private transaction between God and us. The series includes fast-paced and hard-hitting documentary DVD “shorts” and real-life pack-a-punch stories and insights on poverty and injustice―probing and pondering the 2,000 verses in the Bible that address poverty and injustice.

ü  Small-Group Discussion Guide

ü  Small-Group DVD

ü  42-day Journal

ü  Daily Prayer Guide

ü  Companion Website – daily devotional and resources

ü  Free downloadable small group hosting tips



What’s weighing on you? Has someone or something left you feeling rejected, guilty, or broken? Jesus met many broken people stuck in poverty, religion, sickness, sin, and even death. But Jesus saw through their circumstances and fulfilled their deepest needs. It was never too late.

In this 28-day study journal, you’ll embark on a journey through Jesus’ life and ministry that will lead you to recall your past wounds, reorient your present identity, and reimagine your future. It contains Scripture, reflection questions, and guided lessons that can stand alone as a personal study, or act as a participant’s guide for the I Can Only Imagine Video Series.

Surrounded by brokenness, it’s hard to imagine a loving father, complete forgiveness, and eternal restoration. But when you learn to see yourself through God’s eyes, you will finally find rest in His approval, purpose, and eternal hope. Reveal the heart of God who loves you more than you can imagine.

ü  Journal – 5 copies

ü  DVD Set – 1 copy

This course helps your group answer Christ’s call to greater faith, power-filled deeds, and a new way of knowing Him. You will discover how to discern God’s call, transcend fear, risk faith, manage failure, and trust God. Relating the story in Matthew 14 to life today, you are invited to consider the incredible potential that awaits you all outside your comfort zones.

ü  Leader’s Guide for a 6-session journey on learning to trust God. – 1 copy

This leader’s guide provides the clear, step-by-step instructions you need to maximize interaction, support, and insights within your group. Most of the preparation has been done for you – just follow the easy-to-use lesson plan, complete with helpful tips.

Sessions include:

  • What’s Water-Walking?
  • The Tragedy of the Unopened Gift
  • Find Your Calling and Get Your Feet Wet!
  • Facing Our Challenges, Conquering Our Fears
  • Good News for Cave Dwellers
  • Learning to Wait on Our Big God

ü  DVD – 3

ü  Participant’s guide – 2

ü  Book – If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat – 1 copy

What made the first-century Christians’ message so compelling, so defensible, so irresistible? What did they know that we don’t? Embrace the version of faith that, against all odds, initiated a chain of events resulting in the most significant and extensive cultural transformation the world has ever seen. A version we must embrace if we are to be salt and light in an increasingly savorless and dark world.

Sessions include:

  • Simply Resistible
  • Brand-new Agreement
  • The Bible According to Jesus
  • The Irresistible Ethic
  • What Love Requires
  • A New Approach

ü  DVD – 1 copy

ü  Study Guide – 1 copy



If religion is to be treated with intellectual respect, then it must stand the test of truth, regardless of the day’s mood. In this 4-part, 80-minute documentary-style presentation, Ravi Zacharias, one of the most respected Christian apologists in today’s world, contrasts the truth of Jesus Christ with Islam’s teachings, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

Featuring dramatic and unique footage from exotic religious festivals and ceremonies and everyday street scenes and inspirational services documented in over 14 countries. This companion to Zacharias’ award-winning book is a stimulating and provocative defense of the Christian message’s uniqueness.

ü  Facilitator’s Guide – 1 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy

Award-winning book on the teachings, person, and life of Jesus Christ.; a ground-breaking, disturbing, and exhilarating look at the Jesus described in the Gospels. Yancey writes: “The Jesus I got to know in writing this book is very different from the Jesus I learned about in Sunday school. In some ways, more comforting; in some ways, more terrifying.” This book will rock your preconceptions and challenge you with hard questions about why those of us who bear His name don’t do a better job of following Him. Six sessions.

  • Who He Was
    • The Jesus I Thought I Knew
    • Birth: The Visited Planet
    • Background: Jewish Roots and Soil
    • Temptation: Showdown in the Desert
    • Profile: What Would I Have Noticed?
    • Why He Came
      • Beatitudes: Lucky are the Unlucky
      • Message: A Sermon of Offense
      • Mission: A Revolution of Grace
      • Miracles: Snapshots of the Supernatural
      • Death: The Final Week
      • Resurrection: A Morning Beyond Belief
    • What He Left Behind
      • Ascension: A Blank Blue Sky
      • Kingdom: Wheat Among the Weeds
      • The Difference He Makes

ü  DVD – 1 copy

Christ had no forced formula or memorized script; He came armed only with an offer of redemption for people like us, many of whom were neck-deep in pain of their own making. Inspire your small group to participate in that same pattern of grace-giving and extending hands of care, compassion, and inclusiveness to people who might need a touch of God’s love today.

  • DVD – 4 copies
  • Book, Just Walk Across the Room – 2 hardcover, 3 paper cover
  • Participant’s Guide – 16 copies
  • Kit – 1




God is a spirit so having a relationship with Him is different than with any other person. This study will help you discover how you can grow and nurture your relationship with God. You’ll learn how to study the Bible as you examine and discuss topics such as:

  • Encountering God
  • Knowing God
  • Being Sure We Know God
  • Learning About God
  • Conversing with God
  • Worshipping God
  • Following God

Each chapter has three main sections:

  • Group study – materials for a 60-90-minute study
  • Study resources – notes and comments
  • Personal study – reflection questions

Extra help is available at the end of the book:

  • The Art of Leadership (tips on how to lead a small group)
  • Small-Group Leaders’ Guide (notes on each section)
  • Life Worth Living, A – Nine talks based on the book of Philemon. An official follow-up to the Alpha Course.

Each talk explains how it is possible to positively, practically, and joyfully live the Christin life and is explicitly aimed at those starting out in the Christian life.

ü  Leader’s Guide – 1 copy

ü  Course Manual – 9 copies

ü  DVD set – 1

  • Living Faith: Exploring the Essentials of Christianity by Tom Wright – a ten-session DVD-based program

How were the books of the Bible chosen? What was the Roman world like during Jesus’ life and ministry? And how are we to live out our faith in today’s world? Living Faith enables believers of all backgrounds to understand Christianity more fully by exploring the faith’s history, foundations, and core beliefs. This informative, insightful, and practical book compares and contrasts Christianity with other world religions, proposes helpful disciplines for a believer’s spiritual growth, and provides a clear and balanced look at controversial topics such as the Apocrypha, free will, and end-times theology.

Ten sessions:

  • The Story and Message of the Bible
  • The Hebrew Scriptures
  • The World, Life and Ministry of Jesus
  • The Gospel Testimonies to Jesus
  • Paul and the Outward Movement
  • A Brief History of Christianity
  • Christian Doctrines and Beliefs
  • Other Religions and Beliefs
  • Growing in and Sharing Christ
  • Living Christianly in the World

ü  Leaders Guide – 1 copy

ü  Book – Living Faith: A Guide to the Christian Life – 1 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy




ü  DVD – Speaker notes and presentation slides – 1 copy

ü  DVD Set – 1 copy

  • DVD 1
    • Building Strong Foundations
    • The Art of Communication
    • Resolving Conflict
    • DVD 2
      • The Power of Forgiveness
      • Parents and In-laws
      • Good Sex
      • DVD 3
        • Love in Action
        • The Marriage Course Party

ü  Introductory video – 2 copies

ü  Leaders’ video – to equip people to run The Marriage Course in their home, church, or community – 1 copy

ü  Manual – 2 copies

ü  Leaders’ Guide – 2 copies

ü  Video set – 1 copy (as DVDs)

  • Marriage on the Rock from Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Crossroads Christian Communications, Focus on the Family, and several other organizations – 1 copy

In a world where promises are too easily broken and amid political debates and challenges, there is perhaps a no better time than now for Christians to model and uphold the true meaning of marriage.

ü  Interactive DVD – 1

  • Moments of Faith for Fathers
    • Role Modeling
    • Total Faith
    • The Gift of Time
    • A Heart for Others
    • The Joy of Kids
    • True Giving
    • Rest
    • Dad = Fun
    • The Value of Family
    • Dad = Teacher

ü  Book, Moments of Faith for Fathers – 4 copies

  • My New Life in Christ – for new believers in Christ who want to grow in faith and understanding (Salvation Army)

ü  Booklet – multiple copies




What does the Christ-life look like when your days are gritty, long, and sometimes even dark? Based on the best-selling book, Voskamp reveals the discovery that will open your eyes to ordinary, fantastic grace regardless of your circumstances. Five sessions:

  • Attitude of Gratitude
  • Grace in the Moment
  • All is Grace
  • Trust: The Bridge to Joy
  • Empty to Fill

ü  DVD set – 2

ü  Study Guide – 1 copy


Three-session video-based study. Christmas is a time for celebration, salvation, and reconciliation. You will discover why Christmas is God’s idea and why Christ is the greatest gift God gave to the world.

ü   DVD  – 1

ü  Study Guide – 1 copy


Containing the speaking sessions from the Alpha course, this book honestly and sensibly tackles some of the key questions faced by “seekers” considering Christianity’s claims. Gumbel points the way to an exciting faith that is both authentic and relevant to today’s world.

ü  Book – 1 copy





Discover who you are and live like it matters.

  • Release bitterness from past hurts and trust in a loving God
  • Recognize and use your talents to make a difference in the world
  • Remain resilient and grounded in your faith despite extraordinary odds

ü  Book – 1 copy

ü  Participant’s Guides – 2 copies

ü  DVD – 1 copy





How to process our emotions and resolve conflicts in ways that lead to a much more peaceful life.

  • Grace for the Unglued
  • Freedom for the Unglued
  • Four Kinds of Unglued
  • A Procedure Manual for the Unglued
  • Lingering Words for the Unglued
  • Imperfect Progress for the Unglued

ü  Book Unglued – 1 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy





Say yes and discover the blessings God has planned for you. Know what it truly means to partner with Him as you:

  • Listen for His voice and discern what He is asking of you
  • See how wholehearted obedience honors His presence in your life
  • Give yourself to Him and let Him affect lives around you in amazing ways

ü  Book What Happens When Women Say Yes to God – 1 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy

We speak of grace often, but do we understand it? Do we genuinely believe in it? And do our lives proclaim it as powerfully as our words?

This is a probing look at grace: what it looks like, what it doesn’t look like, and why only Christians can and must reveal the grace the world is searching for.

ü  Book, What’s So Amazing About Grace? – 1 copy

ü  Participant’s Guide – 1 copy

ü  DVD – 1 copy

  • The Missing Ingredient: The missing word, a powerful concept
  • Letting Grace Soak In: God’s love for the undeserving
  • An Unnatural Act: Extending grace when you’ve been wronged
  • The Art of Forgiving: Responding with grace when it seems impossible
  • Skin-Deep: The power of grace to penetrate racism
  • Grace Put to the Test: Grace in the face of disagreement
  • Grace Abuse: Cheapening grace and robbing its power
  • The Church Backslides: How legalism corrupts grace
  • Dispensing Grace: How can we do it?
  • Counterforce: Grace set loose in the world





God will deliver you and use your mess for good. In this six-session, video-based study, Lucado offers refreshing assurance for anyone amid turbulent times. He reminds you God doesn’t promise that getting through trials will be quick or painless. Explore the story of Joseph, and the truth of Genesis 50:20 – what Satan intends for evil, God redeems for good.

Session titles:

  • You’ll Get Through This
  • Down and Out, But Never Alone
  • Stupid Won’t Fix Stupid
  • Is God Good When Life Isn’t?
  • Now, About Those Family Scandals and Scoundrels
  • God Can Use This for Good

ü  Study Guide – 1 copy

ü  DVD Set – 1 copy



Resources by Category


Apologetics / Theology

Defend the faith, usually from a philosophical or biblical perspective.

  • Deepening Life Together – Promises of God
  • Deepening Life Together – Revelation
  • Easter Experience, The – What if what happened then changes everything now?
  • H2O Journey of Faith, A by Kyle Idleman
  • Heaven by Randy Alcorn
  • Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias – The absolute claims of the Christian message
  • Questions of Life: An Opportunity to Explore the Meaning of Life by Nicky Gumbel
  • What’s So Amazing About Grace? By Philip Yancey – A 10-session investigation of grace


  • Deepening Life Together – Acts
  • Deepening Life Together – John
  • Deepening Life Together – Promises of God
  • Deepening Life Together – Revelation
  • Deepening Life Together – Romans
  • H2O Journey of Faith, A by Kyle Idleman
  • Life Worth Living, A – Nine talks based on the book of Philemon.
  • Living Faith: Exploring the Essentials of Christianity by Tom Wright – a ten-session DVD-based program
  • Questions of Life: An Opportunity to Explore the Meaning of Life by Nicky Gumbel
  • Deepening Life Together – Ephesians
  • Deepening Life Together – Paul
  • Deepening Life Together – Promises of God
  • Learning to Love God by Richard Peace
  • Living Faith: Exploring the Essentials of Christianity by Tom Wright – a ten-session DVD-based program


Bible Characters

·        Jesus Christ

Christ’s life and ministry

  • Christmas Experience, The by Kyle Idleman – A new way to celebrate the birth of Christ
  • Deepening Life Together – John
  • Easter Experience, The – What if what happened then changes everything now?
  • Experiencing Christ Together: Beginning in Christ Together
  • H2O Journey of Faith, A by Kyle Idleman
  • Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias – The absolute claims of the Christian message
  • Jesus I Never Knew, The by Philip Yancey – 1 book
  • Living Faith: Exploring the Essentials of Christianity by Tom Wright – a ten-session DVD-based program
  • Purpose of Christmas, The by Rick Warren
  • Questions of Life: An Opportunity to Explore the Meaning of Life by Nicky Gumbel

Christian Living

Discipleship, maturing, holiness

  • Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado – God’s treatment plan for anxiety (Phil. 4:4-8).
  • Armor of God, The by Priscilla Shirer
  • Bait of Satan, The: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John
  • Beta: The Next Step in Your Journey with Christ! (same as Freedom in Christ) by Neil T. Anderson – A life-changing discipleship program
  • Cause to Die For: become a modern-day warrior for Jesus, A DVD from The Salvation Army – 1 copy
  • Daniel Plan, The: 40 Days to a Healthier Life by Rick Warren and the Daniel Plan Team – Feast on something bigger than a fad.
  • Deepening Life Together – Acts
  • Deepening Life Together – Ephesians
  • Deepening Life Together – John
  • Deepening Life Together – Praying God’s Way
  • Deepening Life Together – Romans
  • Experiencing Christ Together: Beginning in Christ Together
  • If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat by John Ortberg with Stephen and Amanda Sorenson
  • Irresistible: Reclaiming the New that Jesus Unleashed for the World by Andy Stanley
  • Just Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels – A 4-session experience to equip your church for evangelism in today’s world.
  • Learning to Love God by Richard Peace
  • Life Worth Living, A – Nine talks based on the book of Philemon.
  • Living Faith: Exploring the Essentials of Christianity by Tom Wright – a ten-session DVD-based program
  • My New Life in Christ – for new believers in Christ who want to grow in faith and understanding (Salvation Army)
  • One Thousand Gifts: Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp
  • Shaken Bible Study: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Stormsby Tim Tebow
  • Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst
  • What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa Terkeurst – Six motivating sessions
  • What’s So Amazing About Grace? By Philip Yancey – A 10-session investigation of grace


Church Life

Revival, Body of Christ, worship, church growth

  • Bait of Satan, The: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John
  • Complete Handbook for Recovery Ministry in the Church, The by Bill Morris – A practical guide to establishing recovery support groups
  • Deepening Life Together – Acts
  • Deepening Life Together – John
  • Questions of Life: An Opportunity to Explore the Meaning of Life by Nicky Gumbel
  • What’s So Amazing About Grace? By Philip Yancey – A 10-session investigation of grace
  • Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado – God’s treatment plan for anxiety (Phil. 4:4-8).
  • Bait of Satan, The: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John Bevere
  • Billy Graham Christian Worker’s Handbook, The – A topical guide with biblical answers to the urgent concerns of our day
  • Complete Handbook for Recovery Ministry in the Church, The by Bill Morris – A practical guide to establishing recovery support groups
  • Daniel Plan, The: 40 Days to a Healthier Life by Rick Warren and the Daniel Plan Team – Feast on something bigger than a fad.
  • Deepening Life Together – Promises of God
  • I Can Only Imagine Journal – 1 copy
  • Shaken Bible Study: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Stormsby Tim Tebow
  • Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst
  • What’s So Amazing About Grace? By Philip Yancey – A 10-session investigation of grace




Death / Dying

  • Easter Experience, The – What if what happened then changes everything now?
  • H2O Journey of Faith, A by Kyle Idleman
  • Heaven by Randy Alcorn

False Religions / Cults

Comparative religious studies, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age, etc.

  • Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias – The absolute claims of the Christian message
  • Living Faith: Exploring the Essentials of Christianity by Tom Wright – a ten-session DVD-based program


Parenting, family living

  • Bait of Satan, The: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John
  • Confident Parenting by Jim Burns – Be the parent your family needs
  • Family Matters: Investing in the Things that Last with Chuck Swindoll.
  • Moments of Faith for Fathers


  • Anxious for Nothing: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World by Max Lucado – God’s treatment plan for anxiety (Phil. 4:4-8).
  • Daniel Plan, The: 40 Days to a Healthier Life by Rick Warren and the Daniel Plan Team – Feast on something bigger than a fad.


  • Deepening Life Together – Promises of God
  • Easter Experience, The – What if what happened then changes everything now?
  • Glory Days: Living Your Promised Land Life Now by Max Lucado
  • I Can Only Imagine Journal – 1 copy
  • One Thousand Gifts: Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp
  • Shaken Bible Study: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Stormsby Tim Tebow
  • You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times by Max Lucado


  • Marriage Course, The by Alpha Resources. How to build a healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime.
  • Marriage on the Rock – Interactive DVD from Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, Crossroads Christian Communications, Focus on the Family, and several other organizations


  • Moments of Faith for Fathers

Praise and Worship

  • Learning to Love God by Richard Peace


  • Before Amen: The Power of a Simple Prayer by Max Lucado
  • Deepening Life Together – Praying God’s Way
  • H2O Journey of Faith, A by Kyle Idleman

Reference Books

Concordances, dictionaries, maps, handbooks, how to study the Bible; commentaries

  • Billy Graham Christian Worker’s Handbook, The – A topical guide with biblical answers to the urgent concerns of our day
  • Cause to Die For: become a modern-day warrior for Jesus, A DVD from The Salvation Army – 1 copy
  • My New Life in Christ – for new believers in Christ who want to grow in faith and understanding (Salvation Army)

Salvation Army

Sharing Your Faith (Evangelism)

  • H2O Journey of Faith, A by Kyle Idleman
  • Just Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels – A 4-session experience to equip your church for evangelism in today’s world.

Social Issues

Abortion, homosexuality, alcoholism, world hunger, ethical issues

  • Billy Graham Christian Worker’s Handbook, The – A topical guide with biblical answers to the urgent concerns of our day
  • Complete Handbook for Recovery Ministry in the Church, The by Bill Morris – A practical guide to establishing recovery support groups
  • Deepening Life Together – Acts
  • Hole in our Gospel, The – Six-week quest based on the book by Richard Stearns (2010 Christian Book of the Year)
  • I Can Only Imagine Journal – 1 copy

Spiritual Warfare

  • Armor of God, The by Priscilla Shirer
  • Bait of Satan, The: Living Free from the Deadly Trap of Offense by John Bevere
  • Cause to Die For: become a modern-day warrior for Jesus, A DVD from The Salvation Army – 1 copy
  • Complete Handbook for Recovery Ministry in the Church, The by Bill Morris – A practical guide to establishing recovery support groups
  • Deepening Life Together – Acts
  • Deepening Life Together – Promises of God
  • Deepening Life Together – Revelation
  • Deepening Life Together – Romans
  • Glory Days: Living Your Promised Land Life Now by Max Lucado
  • H2O Journey of Faith, A by Kyle Idleman
  • I Can Only Imagine Journal – 1 copy
  • One Thousand Gifts: Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp
  • Shaken Bible Study: Discovering Your True Identity in the Midst of Life’s Stormsby Tim Tebow
  • Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst
  • What’s So Amazing About Grace? By Philip Yancey – A 10-session investigation of grace
  • You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times by Max Lucado


  • Armor of God, The by Priscilla Shirer
  • Unglued: Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst
  • What Happens When Women Say Yes to God by Lysa Terkeurst – Six motivating sessions



Online Resources


Bible Studies




  • Bible Atlas
  • Bible History maps
  • Bible Study maps, timelines, lineages
  • Google Earth
    • You are permitted to hyperlink to these maps, as long as it is clear that is the origin.
    • You can use print, photocopy, E-mail, distribute or make overhead transparencies of these maps for public presentations in church and Bible studies, etc. or personal use.

Maps, Timelines, Lineages

  • – 100 free printable maps
  • Exodus Major Events Map
  • Map of Childhood of Jesus
  • Nations of Canaan Map
  • New Testament Israel Map
  • Twelve Tribes of Israel Map




Salvation Army


Small Groups

  • Right Now Media We are pleased to offer FREE Access to this streaming library of more than 20,000 Bible study videos.
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The Salvation Army Oshawa Church, Summer Thursdays 8:30 PM.