Wonderful Healer


Lord, here today my great need I am feeling;
Wilt Thou not visit my soul once again?
I long to feel Thy sweet touch and its healing;
Wonderful Healer, touch me again.

Touch me again, touch me again,
Wonderful Healer, touch me again. (2x)

Often I’ve pressed through the throng for the blessing
Which, through my doubting, I’ve failed to obtain;
Here once again to Thy feet I am pressing;
Wonderful Healer, touch me again.

Only in Thee can I find liberation,
Cleansing and freedom from sin’s hidden stain;
Only in Thee can I find full salvation;
Wonderful Healer, touch me again.

William Henry Woulds, the son of a wheelwright, lived in England from 1874 to 1940. In 1890 he became interested in the Salvation Army when he saw a village open-air meeting. He didn’t join immediately, but later, having moved to London, William followed another open-air march to Holloway 1 Corps. There he came into a personal relationship with Jesus and became a Salvationist. Following five months of training at the Woolwich Garrison, Woulds served as a corps officer (pastor) in Great Britain for forty-two years, retiring in 1934.

Did he simply write this song to enrich someone else? Share on X

One wonders what circumstances caused William Woulds to write about his need for spiritual healing and the restoration of his sense of freedom in the Lord. Or did he simply write this song to enrich someone else? There is a wistful, pleading quality about the words, seeming to imply it was Woulds’ personal prayer. Of course, we all reach points in our lives where we feel the need to renew and deepen our relationship with Christ, and perhaps to pray for physical healing as well. May we always come humbly and confidently to Him, knowing He can meet our deepest needs.

We all reach points in our lives where we feel the need to renew and deepen our relationship with Christ Share on X
S.A. SONG BOOK, 1987 EDITION, #610; 2015 EDITION, #720


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