Purple and Yellow and Blue, OH MY

Autism Awareness

Another Awareness Day?

Mom, I need a yellow t-shirt. It is Cancer Awareness Day. Mom, I need a purple tee for tomorrow. Guess what day it is? Green Day. I may appear to be exaggerating but, nope, I am not. Somewhere, wearing a coloured tee became an awesome way to spread awareness of a current issue in society.

Don’t get me wrong, I am great with this idea. The kids and I do it―pink for anti-bullying. We discuss what it is to be a bully and to be bullied. Ironically, this year my youngest was targeted two days in a row on pink-shirt day and the day after. And my third was also targeted the day after pink-shirt day. This breaks my heart. We face it. We deal with it and we grow strong. But it’s wrong.

We face it. We deal with it and we grow strong. But it’s wrong. @AutismONT @autismcanada Share on X

April 2 is Autism Awareness Day. We’ll wear blue tees and I will put a blue bulb in the front light fixture. This has become a cause very close to my heart. So if you can, light it blue on April 2. With so many causes brought to our attention, we may run out of colours.

April 2 is Autism Awareness Day Share on X We may run out of colours @AutismONT @autismcanada Share on X

I quote a piece of Scripture to my kids often and even have it as art in my house.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalm 139:14)

God designed each of us so intricately and unique, but we all have many similarities. Each of us have a cause near and dear to us so let us not stop teaching and educating one another.

God never gives up on us. We are His cause and I see His colours in the greens of the woods, in the hues of a flower in a garden, in the awesomeness of the oceans and in the promise of the rainbow.

So wear those coloured tees and support your cause. But never lose sight of the fact that you are not alone in your cause. Christ is right there beside you, walking along and holding you tight as you support your cause. Keep Christ in the awareness and support what it is with a Christlike heart.

never lose sight of the fact that you are not alone in your cause Share on X

As we approach Easter I think of the King of Kings in purple on Good Friday. And then the bright white on Easter Sunday stained with the blood He shed for our cause. We were and are today His cause.

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