God of The Open Spaces

Feature Image – God Of The open Spaces

God of the open spaces,
Ruler of wind and wave,
Speak to my inmost being,
Grant me Thyself I crave.

God of the open spaces,
God of the windswept sea,
Lord of the lofty mountains,
I open my heart to Thee.

God of the flowering meadow,
Hear now my earnest plea,
Quicken my flagging spirit,
Let me commune with Thee.

Healer of nature’s woundings,
Cov’ring with mantle green,
Heal Thou my spirit’s bruises,
Fill me with joy serene.

Sunrise and sunset praise Thee,
Raindrop and starry night;
Out of my heart’s contentment
Paeans of praise unite.

Master of all creation,
E’en though supreme Thou art,
Graciously deign to hear me,
Live Thou within my heart.

Summertime thoughts and prayers as we spend more time outdoors admiring God’s handiwork! Flora_LarssonFlora Larsson (nee Benwell) wrote beautiful comparisons between nature and our spiritual lives. This song, with music by her son, John, was first published as a Songster selection.

As an officer’s child, Flora was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1904. Truly an international person, she herself entered officership training in 1926 from Copenhagen Temple Corps and served in France and at IHQ, London. After marrying Captain Sture Larsson in 1934, she served with him in England, Sweden, Denmark, South America, France, Finland and Norway. Flora wrote many devotional books and songs, as well as My Best Men Are Women. Some of her songs are for children, and some are translated from Scandinavian languages. Her gentle, lovely spirit is evident in her poetry.

Summertime thoughts and prayers as we spend more time outdoors admiring God's handiwork! Share on X

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