How far is it to Bethlehem?
Not very far.
Shall we find the stable room lit by a star?
Can we see the little Child?
Is He within?
If we lift the wooden latch, may we go in?
May we stroke the creatures there –
Ox, ass, or sheep?
May we peep like them and see Jesus asleep?
If we touch His tiny hand
Will He awake?
Will He know we’ve come so far just for His sake?
Great kings have precious gifts,
And we have naught;
Little smiles and little tears are all we brought.
For all weary children
Mary must weep.
Here on this bed of straw, sleep, children, sleep.
God in His mother’s arms,
Babes in the byre,
Sleep, as they sleep who find their heart’s desire.
How lovely to find this children’s carol in the 2015 Song Book! As someone has said, “He came to us as a child, that we might receive Him as children.”
The author, Frances Alice Chesterton, was the wife of famous British writer and philosopher, Gilbert K. Chesterton. His inspirational quotes appear in various sources, and he is the writer of the Father Brown stories, now used in the popular television series. Frances stayed in the background of her famous husband, yet was the one who influenced him to become a Christian. She also wrote plays for Christmas Eve presentations which she and Gilbert produced annually. The above song was written in 1917 and used on their Christmas cards to family and friends.
May we all receive Jesus as children, with simple, childlike faith, as we once again celebrate His birth.
S.A. SONG BOOK, 2015 EDITION, #109