Perhaps Christmas is more


Christmas decorations, parades, Santa at the mall, letters to the big guy, treats and candy, holiday concerts, Christmas music on the radio tons of Christmas movies and parties all season.

I also remind them that we need to celebrate Christmas every day of the year. Share on X

All this goes on every year at this time.

But let us not forget church, Advent readings, Christmas carols, pageants, food drives and toy drives. Let us also not forget the ever popular debate about decorating before Remembrance Day. “Respect the vet” they say. But I say decorate when you want. Their fight gave us the freedom to celebrate Christmas as with many other holidays.

grinchIn the secular cartoon “The Grinch”, Dr Suess knew what he was talking about. I remind my children all the time that Christ came as an awesome gift, but I also remind them that we need to celebrate Christmas every day of the year.

Don’t get me wrong. I, too, decorate and give gifts and enjoy parties. But I want to be one to praise Christ without the ribbons and packages and bows. Christmas does come and all we really need is love and to be surrounded by those who are important to us.

Give gifts and celebrate, but never forget the humble start of that first Christmas. No fancy birthplace, no expensive gifts from Mary and Joseph.

Merry CHRISTmas, enjoy the season and do not forget to celebrate the gift of the babe who came and died for our sins that we might live.

As Christ lived His life for a purpose, let us too do that in return.



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