On We March


The Lord’s command to go into the world and preach the Gospel unto all
Is just as true today as when His first disciples heard this mighty call;
So let us gird ourselves and go to battle ‘gainst the powers of sin and wrong,
Join the fight for the right
In His everlasting might
And sing our marching song:

On we march with the Blood and the Fire;
To the ends of the earth we will go,
And the Saviour’s love
Will be the theme of our song,
Because we love Him so.
On we march with the Blood and the Fire;
To the ends of the earth we will go,
And the Saviour’s love
Will be the theme of our song,
Because we love Him so.

O’er land and sea the Saviour shows the way to every soul sunk deep in sin;
From Calvary’s rugged cross there flows a stream to make the foulest sinner clean;
We’ll fill the ranks and, trusting in the God of hosts to lead our mighty throng,
Join the fight for the right In His everlasting might
And sing our marching song:

The victory’s sure; we’re trusting in the promise of our Saviour, Lord and King;
“Lo, I am with you,” keeps us free from doubting; to the heavens our praises ring;
The whole wide world shall come beneath the sway of Christ – proclaim it loud and long;
Join the fight for the right In His everlasting might
And sing our marching song:

It’s the time of year when Salvationists around the world think more specifically than usual about being “Partners in Mission”. The old title of “Self-Denial” combines with the newer, as we all consider giving sacrificially of our means, in order to work in partnership with each other and with the Lord, to bring His message of Good News wherever we can. The “Blood and Fire” in the words of the chorus refer to the blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit – symbolized on the Salvation Army’s flag.

Charles Mehling, who wrote this martial-sounding song, was an American Salvationist who lived from 1889 to 1969. He was a bandsman who entered officership training from Philadelphia II Corps. He was commissioned in 1911. Mehling served in the USA Eastern Territory in corps appointments, as a Divisional Youth Secretary and eventually as Territorial Evangelist. He retired as a Lt.-Colonel in 1952. Charles continued his early interest in music, playing the trombone and presenting vocal and instrumental duets with his wife.

S.A. SONG BOOK, 1987 EDITION, # 700; 2015 EDITION, #932

On We March (International Staff Band) – Kevin Larsson

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