He came to give us life in all its fullness,
He came to make the blind to see,
He came to banish death and doubt and darkness,
He came to set His people free.
He liberating love imparted,
He taught men once again to smile;
He came to bind the brokenhearted,
And God and man to reconcile.
He came to give us life in all its fullness,
He came to make the blind to see,
He came to banish death and doubt and darkness,
He came to set His people free.
(After last chorus)
He came to set us free!
We wonder why Christ came into the world
A helpless, homeless Child;
We wonder why He tolerated men –
The tainted and defiled.
We wonder why! We wonder why!
The Son of God as man came down,
What does this signify?
We wonder why Christ came into the world
And let men hurt Him so;
We wonder why the Christ should have to die –
Does anybody know?
We wonder why! We wonder why!
The Son of God as man came down,
What does this signify?
As we conclude and reflect on the Easter season this year, 2020, the whole world is struggling against the coronavirus, COVID-19. Indeed, “we wonder why” this illness has invaded the earth! But let’s hold onto the joy that comes with knowing the Christ of Easter, even as we find different ways to celebrate Him in the days ahead.
The above song by John Gowans and John Larsson was written for their musical, Jesus Folk. It is sung at the telling of the story of Lazarus being brought back to life by Jesus. Jesus tells Lazarus’ sisters, Mary and Martha,

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die.” John 10:25, 26 NIVMay your heart be lifted as you read, listen and perhaps sing along with this joyful proclamation. WORDS: JOHN GOWANS; MUSIC: JOHN LARSSON S.A. SONG BOOK, 2015 EDITION, #139 REFERENCE: SALVATION ARMY SONG BOOK DEVOTIONAL SERIES VIDEO – KEVIN LARSSON