
Blog Author: Beth Julien

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A Little Girl’s Christmas Stocking

Which list of Santa’s should I have been on? Should I have received candy and toys in my stocking? Or a lump of coal, as the old story goes. Every Christmas as a little girl I did something very mischievous with the help of my sister. Christmas was wonderful in my home. Our mother knew

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Pondering Easter

One of my earliest childhood memories is of wearing a colourful, brand new outfit to church on Easter Sunday. My sister and I received these pretty dresses and bonnets, hand-made by our mom, every Easter while we were little. We felt beautiful, happy and loved. This may not be a very spiritual memory and some

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heart surgery

When Life Hit Hard

The summer of 2015 was a scary time for our family. My husband went for a stress test, failed it within the first minute and was taken immediately to the hospital for very serious heart surgery. What a shock for our whole family! All I could think of, besides “Oh, the poor guy!” was, ‘What

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The Shaggy Flower

One of the flowering plants at our house was spreading fast along the front garden, so we decided to uproot some of the stalks for transplanting.  We started digging at the end of the row and one flower lifted out, then another came with it, and one by one, more followed.  Each stalk was joined

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Free Family Movies

The Salvation Army Oshawa Church, Summer Thursdays 8:30 PM.