Many are the things I cannot understand;
All above me mystery I see;
But the gift most wonderful from God’s own hand
Surely is His gift of grace to me!
Higher than the stars that reach eternity,
Broader than the boundaries of endless space,
Is the boundless love of God that pardoned me;
O the wonder of His grace!
When I came to Jesus with my sin and shame,
And to Him confessed my deepest need,
When by faith I trusted fully in His name,
God’s rich grace was granted me indeed.
Passing understanding is His boundless love,
More than I can ever comprehend;
Jesus, in His mercy, left His throne above,
All to be my Saviour and my Friend.
Howard Davies writes songs that catch at the heart, often as choral selections, but this one is used as a congregational song, as well as in a lovely instrumental solo. The words are simple, but are at the core of the Christian experience. It was written in Broadford, Victoria, on April 11, 1967. The author said in 1986: “The inspiration for the song came through seeing the beauty of the Australian night sky with the stars so clear – the thought from Psalm 8 coming to mind: ‘When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him?'”. It was first published in The Musical Salvationist , January 1969.
Davies was born to Salvationist parents in Melbourne, Australia in 1940. His first musical education was on the violin, beginning at seven years of age, and culminating in a diploma as an Associate Musician of Australia. He was Bandmaster at Camberwell Corps in Victoria while working as a bank clerk, before entering the Training College for Salvation Army Officers. During his career he held positions in corps and at the Training College in Australia, as well as spending four years in the International Music Editorial Department in London, England. Davies has composed musicals about the lives of early-day Salvationists William Booth and George Scott Railton. As well as his songs, he is known for brass band compositions and arrangements.
also known for brass band compositions and arrangements. Share on XWORDS AND MUSIC: HOWARD DAVIES
S.A. SONG BOOK, 1987 EDITION, #52; 2015 EDITION, #876