3 Things The Bible Says About Golf

I like to play golf and have browsed through many magazines and books about the topic of golf. For me, golf is exercise, the opportunity to enjoy fresh air, relaxation and fellowship with others. Yes, that list goes on. I find that the best golfing partners are those who are fun to be around―people who just enjoy the game and are not overly serious. This year I’ve played golf with lots of friends, neighbours, family and some strangers, mostly people who are usually lots of fun to be with. After a good shot, we often complement each other. However, following a less than desirable shot, we can hear unsolicited advice from other players such as “follow through and finish your swing higher, let your club do the work, don’t lift up, keep your head still and your eyes down and maybe you should try a different grip.” A few years ago I received three books that relate the game of golf to life situations where Christian leaders and professional golfers share experiences through their personal relationship with God. Dr. Billy Graham says
“we will all grip something, and we will all be gripped by something or someone.”
He asks if we have a grip on our life and even mentions that people have suggested that golf is mentioned in the Bible where the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 4:7, I have fought the good fight, I have finished the COURSE. 2Timothy 4:7 Share on X There is a verse in Proverbs16:9 that reads, In his heart a man plans his COURSE, but the Lord determines his steps. Proverbs16:9 Share on X There’s another verse in Proverbs 27:17 that reads Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 Share on X We all need people who are willing to help shape and sharpen us, people who provide feedback, make helpful suggestions and are reliable enough friends to give assistance. We can be assured that God will provide His wisdom for us to play out of any difficult situation that might come our way. He hears our prayers and gives us the ability to play and carry on.
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