We Will Remember Them


“Greater love has no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends” – John 15:13.

We are all familiar with them―slogans and sayings that appear this time of year. Lest we forget, we will remember; if you enjoy your freedom, thank a Veteran; if you don’t stand behind our troops then feel free to stand in front of them; just to name a few. We also read poems that stir up images of battlefields riddled with wounded and dead soldiers and hear songs that speak of better times and of home. Then there are those exciting classic films that recall adventures at sea, great air battles, and other stories of escape from prisoner of war camps, etc.

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It is difficult for us of a younger generation, and the generations after us, to fully comprehend the trials and sacrifices made by those young sailors, soldiers and airmen and women of the WRNS, WRAC, and WRAF, on both deployment and on homeland service. Not to forget the sacrifices and hardships endured by family members and everyday citizens here at home―giving things up and rationing things so that “the boys at the front” would not go without. Yes, we have our current peacekeeping endeavours as well as the war on terror, but we are not really called upon to make the same sacrifices, or at least on the same scale.

Nevertheless, it is important that we take the time to remember. After all, it is because of the brave efforts of those men on the front lines, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice, that gave us the freedom that we now enjoy, and even take for granted.

Not unlike another ultimate sacrifice that was made for us many years ago, by a single man on a cross, let us not forget that sacrifice too, the greatest sacrifice! There is no way to further show your love for your friends than to sacrifice yourself to save them. Christ did this for us, and so did the thousands of young men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces throughout WWI, WWII, Korea, Afghanistan, and on UN Peackeeping duties, as well as on training at home. Let us remember them and let us be thankful for their contributions.

RD-PoppyI encourage everyone to get a poppy, wear it with respect and go to the local cenotaph on November 11 for the parade and ceremony. Find a Veteran, an active Regular Force member or a reservist, and buy them a coffee. Show them you care and that you support them. They are keeping us safe. Most importantly, pray for them! Pray that God will truly keep our land glorious and free.

“They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, WE WILL REMEMBER THEM” – “For the Fallen” by Laurence Binyon.

“Greater love has no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends” – John 15:13. Share on X

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