His Provision


At the moment of my weakness,
When my need for power is plain,
And my own strength is exhausted once again,
Then my Lord has made provision
For the day of my despair,
And His precious Holy Spirit
Hears my prayer, my prayer;
Then my Lord has made provision
For the day of my despair,
And His precious Holy Spirit hears my prayer.

Holy Spirit! Promised presence fall on me.
Holy Spirit! Make me all I long to be.
Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit!
Give Your power to me, O Holy Spirit.

When the darkness falls around me,
When bewildered and afraid,
When I feel the most deserted and betrayed,
Then my every need is answered
By God’s providential care,
And His precious Holy Spirit
Hears my prayer, my prayer;
Then my every need is answered
By God’s providential care,
And His precious Holy Spirit hears my prayer.

Nothing now can rob God’s servant
Of the peace that He bequeaths,
Nothing take away the strength
His presence breathes.
Of the everlasting arms of love
I’m daily made aware,
And His precious Holy Spirit
Hears my prayer, my prayer;
Of the everlasting arms of love
I’m daily made aware,
And His precious Holy Spirit hears my prayer.

How we need God’s Holy Spirit in the many circumstances described in this song! Life may make us feel weakness, despair, bewilderment, fear, loneliness and betrayal. Yet because of Jesus Christ and His sending of the Holy Spirit as our Comforter, we have hope!

Life may make us feel weakness, despair, bewilderment, fear, loneliness and betrayal Share on X
John Gowans
Ivor Bosanko

Although John Gowans and John Larsson (each of whom eventually became Generals) are known for the many musicals they collaborated to write, we should not assume that they always worked together. John Gowans wrote the words of this lovely song about our personal vulnerability, and Ivor Bosanko wrote the music. It appeared first as a Songster (choir) selection, and blessed many singers and listeners. Now everyone can join in its meaningful singing, as the song appears in the 2015 Song Book of the Salvation Army.

John Gowans wrote the words of this lovely song about our personal vulnerability Share on X

John Gowans held many positions during his career as a Salvation Army officer, and served in several countries before being elected General in 1999. He retired in 2002 and was Promoted to Glory in December 2012.

Bandmaster Ivor Bosanko, a noted Salvation Army composer of both band and vocal selections, was at one time the Music Secretary for the USA Western Territory.

Ivor Bosanko wrote the music Share on X

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