
Blog Author: Cheryl Mouland

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Lets Talk- Together as Family

When Mental Illness Strikes a Family I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression almost 17 years ago. In that time, I’ve had to learn how to cope and adjust to the challenges that living with a mental illness brings. In the course of those 17 years, both my children were also diagnosed with depression and

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I Get it!

“ I get it.” Three little words. They don’t seem like much on their own but, when you put them together, they have the potential to change someone’s life. I heard those words and felt their impact after deciding to talk about my struggle with mental illness. The first time I shared my story, I

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Bell Lets Talk

This Broken Brain

My name is Cheryl and I’m engaged in a potentially life-long battle with mental illness. There it is, laid bare for all to read. It’s taken many years, but today I’m able to say those words, share my story and talk about an illness that has been kept “hush hush” for far too long. I’m

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Road Trip!

Summer is here! School is out, the kids are free, and the countdown for the long awaited “family vacation” is finally winding down. Some of you will be jetting off to sunny beaches or hopping on trains to visit family. You may even be sailing off into the sunset on a luxury cruise ship. You

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Free Family Movies

The Salvation Army Oshawa Church, Summer Thursdays 8:30 PM.