Saviour, While My Heart Is Tender


Saviour, while my heart is tender,
I would yield that heart to Thee;
All my powers to Thee surrender,
Thine and only Thine to be.
Take me now, Lord Jesus, take me;
Let my youthful heart be Thine;
Thy devoted servant make me;
Fill my soul with love divine.

Send me, Lord, where Thou wilt send me,
Only do Thou guide my way;
May Thy grace through life attend me –
Gladly then shall I obey.
Let me do Thy will or bear it,
I would know no will but Thine;
Shouldst Thou take my life or spare it,
I that life to Thee resign.

May this solemn consecration
Never once forgotten be;
Let it know no alteration,
Registered, confirmed by Thee.
Thine I am, O Lord, forever,
To Thy service set apart;
Suffer me to leave Thee never,
Seal Thine image on my heart.

Did you make this commitment and consecration of your life to the Lord as a young person? What would your evaluation be now? If you are a young person reading this, may you indeed find the joy that such a commitment can bring. If you are older, you can still surrender to the purposes God has for you and perhaps find new meaning in the coming days.

If you are a young person reading this, may you indeed find the joy that such a commitment can bring. Share on X

John Burton, the author, spent much of his life working with young people and writing for them. He was born in Stratford, England, in 1803 and worked as a basketmaker and cooper (barrel maker) for about fifty years. He was a church deacon and a Sunday School teacher. He had hymns published in several collections: The Evangelical Magazine,The Child’s Companion and other periodicals, as well as The Union Hymn Book for Scholars . His own publications were One Hundred Original Hymns for the Young, Hymns for Little Children, and The Book of Psalms in English Verse . Burton died in his home town of Stratford in 1877. He should not be confused with a slightly older John Burton, from Nottingham, England, who also taught Sunday School and wrote children’s hymns. Another person, C.W. Burton, wrote words very similar to these, but no biographical information is available. Perhaps they are the same person!

S.A. SONG BOOK, 1987 EDITION, # 865; 2015 EDITION, # 674

“Saviour While My Heart is Tender (South Shields)” from SPS023 – Your Twenty Favourite Hymns & Tunes by International Staff Songsters of the Salvation Army.
Released: 1982.

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